Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Cangkang dari Cannoli harus tertutup dengan gelembung-gelembung untuk memberikan tekstur yang garing dan renyah.
upssss .. pasti ada yang belum kenal sama makanan yang satu ini. Cannoli itu merupakan salah satu hidangan yang asalnya dari Itali. oh ya sampai lupa dengan isi whipped riccota sebagai isi yang ditaburi dengan mint chocolate chip. diatas cangkang Cannoli biasanya ditaburi dengan icing sugar dan anda sudah dapat mencicipi salah satu hidangan terbaik dari Itali ini .....
kalo ada yang mau kenalan nihhhh .. aku kasih tau apa sih sebenarnya Cannoli ini.
Cannoli merupakan pastry yang berbentuk seperti tube. Cannoli sangat terkenal dalam Italian American cuisine dan di Amerika sendidi Cannoli itu terkenal sebagai kue atau pastry yang berasal dari Italia. Cannoli sendiri terdiri dari adonan cangkang yang dibentuk seperti tube lalu di goreng sampai renyah. lalu diberikan isi dengan krim , namun biasanya adalah riccota. ukuran dari Cannoli sendiri udah ada standartnya , yaitu ga boleg lebih panjang atau besar dari jari. Mungkin kalo di Indonesia hampir mirip kaya semprong atau astor tapi hanya bedanya diisiannya aja hehe ... nahhh jadi nantikan kalo liat ada pastry ini jadi udah tau namanya hehehe ^_^
Have you ever heard Dondurma before ???
Well if you haven't heard that. Dondurma is the named that given to Ice Cream in Turkey. Flaky ice cream requires delicate attention. Chewy ice cream requires hard work. The traditional Turkish salep dondurma is milk sweetened and flavored with mastic, an aromatic resin, and thickened with salep, the powdered bulbs of several wild orchids. The bulbs contain a mucilaginous carbohydrate called glucomannan, which the orchids use to retain water during dry periods. When dissolved in milk, the long coiled glucomannan chains bind up and block the movement of water molecules, and thicken the milk. Hot salep milk is a drink long esteemed in Turkey and Europe for boosting virility (“salep” comes from the Arabic for “fox testicle”).
Salep ice cream was probably discovered when someone accidentally let the salep drink freeze. As the water forms ice crystals and the glucomannan chains become more crowded in the remaining liquid, their coils overlap and bond to form an interconnected network. The dondurma-maker, or a machine built for the purpose, pounds and stretches the ice cream for 20 minutes to organize the network into a dense, elastic mass, just as a breadmaker kneads dough to develop its gluten. Portions of the firm, chewy ice cream are cut with a knife.
Genuine salep is expensive and hard to find. But it turns out that the commercial stabilizer guar gum (from the tropical cluster bean) and Japanese konjac flour (from tubers of a taro relative) contain closely related carbohydrates that behave in much the same way as salep glucomannan. Guar gum is sold on specialty-ingredient Web sites, konjac in Japanese groceries.
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